Successful prayer is always both urgent and persistent. The best praying is habitual praying. The Word reminds us, “Men ought always to pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1

God has a good memory! He does not need you to remind Him, but He enjoys your talks with Him. When you set out to remind Him of His promises and covenants, you actually become more pro”cient in learning His Word. This builds faith and character in you. We all need to know His precious promises. Let them become living promises to your heart.

Yes, our lives will have changes. Major changes. This is so the promise will come in a timely manner. So we will properly regard it and steward it. Few things are worse than receiving a great blessing that we were not ready for–and we waste it instead of treasuring it.

The Lord Jesus wants you to be prepared to receive His blessings. Most times we think we are ready. At least we are very eager. Some of you may even be out of patience in waiting on the answer.

Hurry up, God, is your plea. But persistent prayer is not begging! Rather, it is standing on His promises which can never fail.

So keep on praying. Never give up! The answer in Christ Jesus is on its way.

Grace to you as you wait on the answer,


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