Sometimes the Lord shows us a parable from nature in order to teach us His truths. Such is the story of the beautiful, blooming white rose that climbs up our old rugged cross out by the overlook on Prayer Mountain. This is a rose that JoAn “rst planted in our flowerbed at home. It turned completely brown and looked dead before it ever bloomed. A year passed. My wife continued to remind me to pull this dead bush out and discard it. When I finally got around to it, I tossed it into the bed of my pickup truck.

I went out to the hill later that day. Noticing the old bush in the back, I just threw it out. It happened to land at the foot of the old rugged cross. A big rain came through that night. Days later I noticed a tiny green shoot on that brown bush. I was startled. Seeing this, I stuck the rosebush down into the red cushion sand left over from our waterline installation. Amazingly, that plant began to grow again! The next Easter it burst into flower, covering the old cross with beautiful white blooms.

We were all amazed at its resurrection And every Easter it brings forth full, glorious white roses with tinges of red.

Like Christ Himself, the rose has come back to life when it looked hopeless. Death could not overcome the power of life. Jesus declares in Revelations 2:18, “I am the Living One. I am He who was dead yet I am alive forevermore!”

Let Him resurrect your hopes and dreams today! He will bring new life to that which you thought was dead. He IS life and truth and peace.



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