Jesus’ Pattern for Miracles Today: Turning Water into Wine

Jesus' Pattern for Miracles Today: Turning Water into Wine

Jesus demonstrated the power of God in working His first miracle at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. He turned water into wine. The Gospel of John states that all the miracles of Jesus testify to His glory as Messiah. (John 2:11,17:4-26) Also, this beginning of miracles was a type and pattern for all other divine miracles.
Jesus lived a prayer life. He walked with an open heaven. (John 1:51) At the wedding in Cana, Jesus utilized what was available for His miracle. The wedding host had run out of wine. Mary, our Lord’s mother, called on His help. She knew He had the power to remedy the problem. Mary told the servants (in her last recorded conversation), “Do whatever He tells you to do!”


At the wedding feast, Jesus had the servants fill six purified stone pots full of water and carry them to the master of the celebration. They did as instructed. The miracle happened along the way as they carried the freshly drawn water to the master of the house. The water had turned into fine wine. The best of the evening! Thus the Holy Spirit’s anointing upon Christ was demonstrated with power.

The power gifts of the Spirit are available to us today. But they are not given as something for entertainment value. Nor for curiosity seekers. Miracles are not meant to draw attention to themselves. They are given exclusively to confirm the Word of the Gospel as living, powerful. John described Jesus’ miracle as having “manifested His glory.” (John 2:11)


John also used the word arche to explain the miracle. This Greek word arche, from which we derive archetype means more than beginning. It also implies “first mold, pattern, or model.” The process Jesus employed of using serving volunteers is a consistent pattern for His miracles. Even today. He always looks for human response, the initiative that rises from faith and obedience. Inactivity is a discourager of miracles. The servants who had drawn the water “knew.”


The Book of Acts records the continuum of New Testament miracles worked through human involvement by the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts is about participation, even more than sanctification That is why it is called Acts. The word Acts implies activity.

Are you participating in the ongoing miracles that glorify Jesus as Messiah? You can be today. By the power of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, freely given. There is grace for the contemporary church which we should fully appropriate.


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