Daily Choices

Daily Choices

When we come to Christ and accept His salvation, we are by grace given His righteous standing with God. However, we are not given His character. That has to be earned.

Character is distilled. It is perfected in our daily choices. How do we confront temptation? What is our routine response to the Holy Spirit’s call to obedience? These forge our character. We must cherish truth, value principles, approve things that are excellent. Our character mirrors all the daily choices and reactions to the choices that confront us. Good character sows good seed, which brings a good harvest. This requires daily devotion to God’s will.

There is no shortcut to this formation. Character demands self-discipline and accountability. Sometimes it is hammered into us by the unexpected challenges in life.

The distinguishing marks of good Christian character are patience, humility, and virtuous behavior. While this may not sound like all fun and games, the fact is we Believers must relate to God through this aspect of His grace. If we have God’s good character worked into us, we then experience God’s goodness towards us. Daily choices determine this. Daily choices are as important as all other aspects of our experience with God. Character matters! To you—and to God.

To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil. Romans 2:8,9 NIV

Prayer: “May the choices I make today be choices based upon Your desires. I declare today that Your kingdom will come, Your will is going to be done in my life.”


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